Women Health-Specific Program

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Women's Health-Specific Program

(PCOD/PCOS, Menorrhagia, Menopause, endometriosis, Dysmenorrhea, Premenstrual syndrome)

Women’s health encompasses a wide range of physical, emotional, and hormonal factors that can impact their overall well-being. Conditions such as PCOD/PCOS, characterized by hormonal imbalances and ovarian cysts, can affect fertility, menstrual regularity, and overall health. Menorrhagia, or heavy menstrual bleeding, can lead to anaemia, fatigue, and decreased quality of life. Endometriosis causes pelvic pain, infertility, and other symptoms that can significantly impact daily functioning. Menopause brings its own set of challenges, including hot flashes, mood swings, and changes in bone density.
Hence it is important to maintain women’s health and well-being by

  • Enhancing lifestyle
  • Treating obesity
  • Balancing Hormones

Our Approach:

We recognize women’s unique health needs and challenges throughout their lives. From reproductive health issues like PCOD/PCOS, menorrhagia, and endometriosis to menopause-related symptoms and menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), our program is designed to provide comprehensive support and care to promote women’s health and wellbeing at every stage of life.

Our Program takes a holistic and personalized approach to address women’s unique needs and concerns, incorporating comprehensive assessment

and professional consultation for the relevant lab tests. Through evidence-based practices and lifestyle modification to promote optimal health and well-being, connect with our team and achieve your health goal.


  • Hormonal Balance
  • Improved menstrual health
  • Enhanced fertility
  • Reduces Pain/ Pain-free life
  • Addresses reproductive health issues
  • Menstrual cycle regulation